If you find a pile of #books on a bridge, this is why

What a fantastic artistic, literary project. I hope I can find one of these someday. Reblogged via Bluesyemre.



Artist #ShaheryarMalik is leaving books in famous locations across the world in a bid to share something important – the power of reading. Earlier this year, artist Shaheryar Malik was about to post a selfie from the Brooklyn Bridge when he had second thoughts. He wanted to share something different with the world.

Malik thought social media had become impersonal and he wanted to connect with people in a more meaningful way. The Reading Project was born. He began leaving stacks of his books in famous New York City locations with a card containing simple instructions tucked inside each one: take a book, read it and share your thoughts with the artist by email.

The stacks of books themselves can be seen as works of art, but so is the process of sharing. Unlike many of the things we share today, he likes to keep the project off social media. To…

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8 thoughts on “If you find a pile of #books on a bridge, this is why

  1. Interesting. I’ve been doing this for years as part of BookCrossing and it’s great when you hear back from a book you’ve left for a stranger. Not done it as an art project, though!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You basically leave a book at public places for other people to read and pass on to new strangers. I knew some people who were doing it internationally, while travelling 🙂 There is also an app that shows where u can find the books. really awesome idea!

        Liked by 2 people

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